Internet has become part of every one’s life. Everyone is using it for his own purpose. Use of internet is not limited to a particular age of people. It provides useful information to everyone. Internet is widely being using by various business owners for generating good amount of sales. Fast growing use of it made everyone compel to make his business presence online which indeed providing them good amount of sales and business. Therefore, it will definitely be a good idea to think about very carefully while making your online business presence in form of website. I have collected few valid points which need be taken care of while designing or developing a business website. If you are an IT professional then you can work on these questions easily and no need of anyone else to discuss about. But in case if you have not technical knowledge then it would be good to hire a web design company before proceed further. They will help you out in getting the best possible answer for your questions. Now let’s explore what these questions are all about and how much they are useful to work on.
What will be your type?
This is the first most questions which need to be think about. You should decide the type of website you interested to develop and which is totally depend upon your requirement and budget. There are basically two types of website Static and Dynamic. If you have very less budget to invest in your website design then a Static website is good enough for you make your online presence as there are many web design companies which offering very affordable price for designing a static website. But Static website comes with many disadvantages. First and most common is while making changes at your static website is that you should have technical knowledge of web designing languages like PHP or HTML else you would not be able to make changes. Whereas while dynamic website allows to make change at website by using Content Management System. Even a person having basic working knowledge of computer can easily make changes at his website by using various CMS system like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc. But Dynamic website designing service is little bit of costly in comparison to static website. So I would suggest deciding the type of you website by keeping in mind your budget.
Industry you are going to compete with
Another important fact is that you should be much aware about the industry you are running your business in. Since depending upon the industry type website design varies. Like Educational industry website does not require a bright, stylish design the design should only be look like professional and structure should be user friendly. But in other hand some industry requires a stylish appearance of business and its products like wedding industry, Photographers, Interior designers, Fashion designers. It’s always advisable to make an effective and eye catching design for these kind of industries. It would be great that you should first take idea from other business owners of your industry.
A User Friendly Structure
A User Friendly Structure si most essential for each website because it would be worthless if a user comes to a website to find something and he is not able to get his desired information although its available.
Important Part of your business You need to decide the most important part of your business you are willing to give most of your emphasis on. Like few special services, featured products etc . While designing the website your most important part of business should be highlighted at Home Page in order to let the user know about the same. Quality Content Quality content is most important factor which is very essential from SEO point of view as Google giving more emphasis on quality content e rally need to take extra care while writing and implementing content on our business website. Images Its well known fact that “A picture is worth a thousand words” which also implements in case of website designs. Web design experts always recommend using good quality of images at website. While deciding the quality of images you must be care about the loading time of image. An image with a big resolution will definitely be a good quality image but consequently it will take more time in loading. Therefore, minimal resolution images should be used in web pages. JPEG images are better to use in place of PNG images. I have collected aforesaid point on basis of our years of experience in industry. These points and factors should be considered in very beginning of designing a website.
Designing a website requires extra care as it demands time and price. Website creates your online presence profitable; avoiding care may cause loss of business, sales, reputation etc. So its highly recommended that before launching a website every owners should take care of few valid points which are very important and are prerequisites of a website design process.